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Barcelona walk to kick off the 2020 better than ever

Writing the text after the video put me in a real risk to get everyone not to read this, but as I am 100% sure I couldn't ever write anything more interesting than what you saw or will see there I really don't mind. Maybe I should swear at your mother just to test who is really reading this. Maybe not!

This was something around the tenth time that I have visited this warm and fun place. Dance classes with an Israelis teacher was the excuse of this go. It seems to be always summer over there even with low temperatures. That might be because I live in Ireland and anything down to the south would feel warmer from this perspective anyway.

Gaudi, oh Gaudi! Definitely that is all I can say about this man. What a man!!!

Every time I go there I come back so visually inspired even considering to accomplish a degree in architecture to perhaps leave a mark as big as he left in the world. Please, do not get me wrong of course this was written soaked in a sangria jar. I will leave a huge footprint for other reasons though :)

It's a mix of Brasília (my hometown) with Aracaju (my grandparents town) and some magical thing else. This explains why I feel so so at home in Barcelona. Flat, with beach, far from my family, pretty similar language to Portuguese, great artistic scene and to complete the deal there is good capoeira. Chiron in Cancer stuff but my family is amazing!

Why don't I live there yet? I forgot to be born European, that's why, and guess what? this challenging thing gets me even more excited about the day I will finally land there for good (ish). I will sort that out as always!

Those multiple and diverse balconies are breathtaking. While there I am always taking the risk to be knocked out by a car (bike, scooter or why not a pedestrian) for getting so amazed looking up at them on my ways. Sort of balcony meditation.

The graffitis and street art with subliminar messages speed my curious brain up. The mix of colours and cultures with no sense at all makes me laugh and keep walking, I wanna see more.

¡Hasta luego amores!


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